Dear Friends,
Please make a donation to the AIDS Policy Project and join our campaign to push the search for a cure for AIDS. Your money will go straight to bold, effective, and original activism.
We are shaking things up. We are working with the world’s leading researchers and reminding them that the world still desperately needs a cure for AIDS. We are calling out the National Institutes of Health for spending only 3% of its AIDS dollars to actually find a cure—a fact no one knew until we got the information after a five-month campaign.
In one year, we've put the cure back on the map in the AIDS community and we’re helping to make the cure cool again in the research community. Our campaign was on the cover of POZ Magazine. Our executive director was chosen as one of the top 100 activists in the US. Researchers are citing our influence in their own articles. This blog even won an award; it's read from San Francisco to Soweto.
Please join us to fight for a cure for AIDS. Make a tax-deductible contribution to the AIDS Policy Project:

We are doctors and nurses, longtime AIDS activists and college students--the only organization laser-focused on a cure.
Happy holidays. It's time for a cure!
Kate Krauss, for everyone at the AIDS Policy Project
AIDS Policy Project
5120 Walton Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19143
tel: 215-939-7852
(we have members all over the US)
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